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Popping to Pauls

Popping to Pauls

We recently went to visit Pauls Farm Shop, which is just down the road from our Bakery. Based on Dunkirk Lane in Leyland, Pauls has been running for many years. Originally just a fraction of its current size, the farm shop attracted a fast growing and loyal customer base, and has expanded many times. They still bake fresh products upstairs, and source as many products locally as possible.

We chat a (very) quick chat with Claire, who's worked at the farm shop for 14 years. 

Williams: What's your favourite part of the job?
Claire: Customers!

The shop was so busy, we didn't have time for more than a quick introduction and a photo!

Pauls Farm Shop
Dunkirk Lane, Leyland. PR26 7SY
Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Tel: 01772 422639

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